How to get the best wilderness survival food without risking your survival chance
survivor must remember that the three essentials of survival--water, food and
shelter. After water, man's most urgent requirement is food.
Though humans can survive for up to three weeks without food, we probably
wouldn't choose to go that long. Because food is not just for the maintaining
body function but also for a good mental and emotional state.
natural environments are filled with a variety of items that can meet our nutritional needs.
Cattails are known as the “supermarket of the swamp”, as no matter which season it is, there are always edible parts available on the cattail plant. The roots, shoots, and pollen heads can be eaten.
inner bark of conifers, known as the cambium layer, is full of sugars, starches
and calories. It can be eaten on most evergreen, cone-bearing trees [except for
the yew, identified by its red berries, in which all parts are poisonous]. The
inner bark should be scraped out and cooked to convert the fibers into a more
digestible form.
grasses are edible. The leaves can be chewed and the juices swallowed - though
be sure to spit out the un-digestible fibers. Where the base of the leaves meets
the root is a small white part of the stem/root structure, called the root
corm. It can be roasted and eaten like a potato.
acorns, the nuts produced by oak trees, can be leached of their bitter tannic
acids, and then eaten, providing an excellent source of protein, fats, and
calories. The acorns can be placed in a net bag in a stream for a day or put
into several changes of boiling water to extract the tannins. White oaks have
the least amount of tannins and therefore the best flavor.
to avoid:
with an almond scent
with a milky sap(not including dandelion)
leaf plants i.e. poison oak
with umbrella shaped flowers
•Fungi, unless you are absolutely sure of
your wild mushrooms
eat the plants that you can identity.
We suggest you print a copy of the Universal Edibility Test to stash in your
survival kit.
insects are rich in protein&fat which are vital nutritional needs for you:
These can be eaten raw and they can be found in rotting logs and just under the
turf. Ants can be gathered and eaten raw but remove the heads before placing in
your mouth to avoid being pinched or stung.
Can be found in and under logs that have contact with the ground or in mounds.
Run a slender stick into the mound and quickly pull it out. The termites will
gather on the stick as it enters the mound. Avoid destroying any termite mounds
you may encounter in the wilderness because they play an important role in the
eco system and are a food source for various species of mammals and reptiles.
Can be found just under the surface, in piles of wet leaves and other forest
debris and under rocks and logs.
an emergency, all but crickets can be eaten raw. Cricket intestines can contain
the tapeworm parasites. Once you have gathered the crickets up pull the heads
off, this will remove the intestines reducing your chances of ingesting the
Cook all the insects with fire
most of the insects can be eaten raw, but cook them to make more appetizing,
most importantly cook to kill the parasites and bacteria.
Insects to avoid:
are fuzzy ones, brightly colored ones and ones that emit a foul odor.
Avoid Cane toad, they are toxic to both humans and most mammals.
Avoid flies as they eat carrion and other waste products and are spreaders of
freshwater fish in North America are edible. In a survival situation, fish can
be caught using a sharpened stick as a fish spear. For small minnows, a t-shirt
can be used as a fish net.
birds such as grouse and pheasants can be captured using snares or hunting
implements such as a throwing stick, though it can be very difficult if you
have not practiced these trapping/hunting skills.
you are an experienced hunter, hunting small animals for meat is inadvisable in
a survival situation. Hunting is difficult and you will expend a lot of energy
to get your food. Instead of hunting consider trapping. Trapping requires less
skill and leaves you free to spend time searching for other food sources. The
wilderness survivor needs simple traps that are easy to remember and easy to
Dale &Jason Knight
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