9 kinds of outdoor injuries you need to be aware of
properly introduce someone to the outdoors you must make their experience as
positive as possible. And while precaution is the best treatment for common
hiking injuries, sometimes a blister or twisted ankle is inevitable. And when
you bust out that first aid kit to resolve any discomforts, the most important
thing you can pack with you is the knowledge of how to use your supplies and
properly alleviate any ailments you may encounter. So here’s what you need to
know to be prepared for you next hiking expedition:
When you
spend 100% of your time outside, a little sun exposure is bound to happen. The
best way to prevent uncomfortable sun burns that cause you to toss and turn all
night is by wearing long sleeves and pants and applying the appropriate
sunscreen every few hours. But hey, sometimes long sleeves and pants don’t fit
your outdoor lifestyle, and with the fun that you’re having, it can be hard to
remember to reapply your sunscreen when needed. For when that happens and you
end your day a nice cherry red, any products containing Aloe Vera will help
soothe that sensitive skin. And instead of bringing their bulky, spill-prone
packaging with you, transfer it into a travel capsule and seal it up tight.
blisters, a seemingly unavoidable part of your average hiking experience. We
have all dealt with blisters before and they really do suck. But if treated for
properly to avoid infection, they can be easily dealt with (and avoided) in the
backcountry. Blisters arise out of friction causing fluids to collect between
irritated layers of skin and swell, eventually tearing and causing that
discomfort we are all too well versed in. To avoid blisters, a good place to
start is correctly fitting shoes and socks. Keeping your feet dry or not wet
for long periods of time will also help in blister prevention. As soon as you
feel a “hot-spot” on a potentially blistering area, by applying a layer of
moleskin and athletic tape you can avoid any rupturing. If you’ve still managed
to get a nasty spot on your foot, treat the blister by draining or cutting the
damaged area, applying antibiotic ointment, and utilizing a Band-Aid and a fair
amount of athletic tape.
common foe in the fight against people spending time outdoors is any kind of
biting, stinging, or generally annoying insect. Ranging from gnats to mosquitoes,
the best way to prevent th
ese epidermis intruders is by wearing clothing that covers the entire skin; if they’re really bad, this might include a head net. Many repellants are offered on the market from natural solutions to product lines that contain DEET, and between long clothes and these repellants you can avoid most bites that will come your way. For the ones that you can’t avoid, products like Calamine Lotion will help you avoid yours instinct to itch and re-aggravate the bite marks.
ese epidermis intruders is by wearing clothing that covers the entire skin; if they’re really bad, this might include a head net. Many repellants are offered on the market from natural solutions to product lines that contain DEET, and between long clothes and these repellants you can avoid most bites that will come your way. For the ones that you can’t avoid, products like Calamine Lotion will help you avoid yours instinct to itch and re-aggravate the bite marks.
can ruin a fun time like Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, or Poison Sumac, and the
spreading rash these plants can bring. Being able to identify and avoid (and
especially not use as toilet paper) is by far the easiest way to treat any
poison rash concerns. After that, and as usual, long sleeves and pants that cover
the most common contact areas (arms and legs) will help avoid any trouble or late-night itching. If you do stumble upon an unexpected grove of these poisonous plants, storing some Calamine in your first aid kit should help with some of the irritation.
the most common contact areas (arms and legs) will help avoid any trouble or late-night itching. If you do stumble upon an unexpected grove of these poisonous plants, storing some Calamine in your first aid kit should help with some of the irritation.
Poison Ivy and related plants can end your camping trip with over exposure or
inhalation by burning of the plant. If you think this has happened to you,
immediately exit the trail and find the closest emergency station.
sometimes a person’s mention of the area between their legs could be considered
TMI, but the irritation of chaffing is a real thing that can put a real damper
on your hiking experience. This common hiking injury isn’t cured by long
sleeves either, instead choosing the appropriate active underwear over your
average cotton briefs will go a long way in avoiding the “long day in the
saddle” look at night. Think wool or synthetic nylon when choosing your
adventure undines, and if you still find yourself scratching at places that
shouldn’t be scratched in public, a good handful of body powder can go a long
If you’re
hiking on an uneven trail that contains rocks, hidden obstacles, or slippery
surfaces, a twisted ankle can be hard to avoid. While some twists can be fixed
by the “walk it off” approach, others need a little more attention if you
intend to finish your hike. To avoid these time-sucking injuries, wearing the
appropriate boots with ankle protection is a good place to start. Beyond that,
carrying a hiking stick or some kind of stabilizer will help you balance your
steps. If you do twist your ankle to the point of needing to take a seat, be
sure to elevate the injury, know how to make a proper ankle brace, and take a
rest day if you can afford it to let the swelling subside.
it won’t be until the end of the day when you realize you scraped up your legs
pretty good while tromping through those thorn bushes. It’s like an old record
being spun, but long sleeves and pants can make a big difference in the
protection of your skin from minor scrapes and abrasions, but they don’t always
offer complete protection. Thankfully, minor scrapes and abrasions are fairly
easy to treat with some antibiotic lotion and well-place Band-Aids. And by
keeping an eye on the cut for a few days until it heals, you can ensure that it
is healing properly and avoiding infection.
Nothing is
more fun than having your legs cramp with every step you take up the mountain,
or that feeling of your toes curling in on themselves you lay in your tent at
night. Cramping is another common hiking injury that is commonly produced by
dehydration. Sounds simple enough then, to avoid cramping make sure you are
drinking a lot of water. But sometimes in the heat of the moment, especially if
the moment is particularly cold, it can be hard to remember to drink the
appropriate amount of H2O. Stretching before your big hike can help, and if you
find yourself succumbing to a nasty cramp, stretching further can alleviate
some of the pain. Consider applying hot and cold temperatures to the cramp and
refueling with an electrolyte-dense sports drink. These solutions can often get
you the rest of the way home.
A little
exhaustion should be part of your experience while hiking, it means that you
are pushing yourself into new territories and will offer perhaps some of the
best sleep you’ll ever experience at the end of the day. But take exhaustion
too far out in the wild and you could find yourself in a tough situation. A
common cause of exhaustion is dehydration and improper nutrition. Make no
mistake about it, when traveling on the trail you are burning a lot of calories
and your machine of a body needs a lot of fuel. Bring calorie-dense (and light)
food with you on trail, and plan your water sources before you go out; if all
else fails, just shorten your intended mileage or take a break and extend the
duration of your trip.
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