How to get the best wilderness survival food without risking your survival chance
The survivor must remember that the three essentials of survival-- water , food and shelter . After water , man's most urgent requirement is food. Though humans can survive for up to three weeks without food, we probably wouldn't choose to go that long. Because food is not just for the maintaining body function but also for a good mental and emotional state. Most natural environments are filled with a variety of items that can meet our nutritional needs. Common and Abundant Plant Food Sources in North America: Cattails Cattails are known as the “supermarket of the swamp”, as no matter which season it is, there are always edible parts available on the cattail plant. The roots, shoots, and pollen heads can be eaten. Conifers: The inner bark of conifers, known as the cambium layer, is full of sugars, starches and calories. It can be eaten on most evergreen, cone-bearing trees [except for the yew, identified by its red berries, in which all parts are poisonous]...